Daily Archives: 20/05/2013

The Long Delays of Justice (36/80)

Friday 10 May – Hackney Central (Square B7 on the Tube map), Hackney Wick (B7), Haggerston (C7), Hainault (A9), Hammersmith (D3)

The Inner Curmudgeon is throwing his toys out of the pram. Not again, he yells. We can’t go out on a TubeforLOLs day without a proper breakfast first. We did that Tuesday. It was an unmitigated disaster. (See last post, Being and Nothingness.)

I sip my single cup of coffee. The Wee Professor says nothing. He’s checked the Tube map and the stations we’re visiting today. He’s scanned his capacious hard disk, retrieved the appropriate comforting memories and packed W.E.V. Quine’s masterpiece in preparation for the day. No, not Van’s philosophical tour-de-force, Word and Object, with its indeterminancy of translation thesis, but his epic Cheese and the Fundamentals of Pleasure where the Quine-Craig indispensability of cheese thesis was first developed.   Continue reading